H.264 FAQ 2

  • How does H.264 compare with MPEG-2? (H.264 與 MPEG-2比較)

MPEG-2 content在1920x1080傳統運行在12-20 Mbps的,而同樣H.264標準可以提供1920x1080的在7-8 Mbps 更好的品質. H.264標準提供DVD品質約一半的data rate的MPEG - 2 。由於這種效率, H.264標準, ISO標準,隨時將可能繼任為MPEG - 2在專業媒體行業。


  • How does H.264 compare with Windows Media 9/10/11? (H.264 與 Windows Media 9/10/11 比較)

    Windows Media 只有一家公司在進行, 而 H.264 . H.264標準已通過激烈的同行審查,來自世界各地的專家大量的行業部門批准,並作為一個全球標準. H.264 優於Windows Media9/10/11 .


  • Is there still a use for MPEG-4 Part 2 after MPEG-4 Part 10 is available? (MPEG-4 Part 10 出來之後 MPEG-4 Part 2 還可以使用嗎? )

    當然!正如MPEG - 1和MPEG - 2仍採用當今業界, MPEG - 4的第2部分將繼續使用。將使用MPEG – 4 Part 2 地方要符合MPEG – 4 Part 2設備或播放器,如數以百萬計的3G行動電話和數位相機的拍攝和播放的MPEG – 4 Part 2 影片。


  • What is the relationship between H.264 and the new standards for High Definition DVDs?(H.264 跟 高畫質DVD 有什麼差別?)

    H.264 已強制性的符合HD DVD 在HD DVD 和Blue Ray藍光.

H.264 FAQ 1

  • What are H.26L, AVC and JVT?

H.264是兩個兩個標準機構下組成的 ITU and ISO MPEG ~共同成立了一個機構,稱為JVT

ITU最初提出新技術H.26L時 原先的MPEG也提出這AVC的技術 。

在發展的標準,有些還提出了編解碼器作為JVT 。然而H.264標準,正在成為最常用的名字。


  • Does H.264 require special hardware? (是否需要特殊硬體?)



  • In which industries does H.264 play a role? (H.264在哪些地方使用?)

H.264是非常延展的解碼器 因此從3G到HD , 提供使用者超好的品質.所以在通訊公司,消費電子與廣播產業,能創造產品,互通彼此。H.264標準已通過大致代表組織一切從手機到電視,你會找到一個廣泛的互操作產品.消費類和專業,硬體和軟體支持H.264標準。可在http://mpegif.org/ 裡可看到H.264的相關產品資訊.

[Tool] Elecard StreamEye


Elecard StreamEye application provides the user with a visual representation of the encoded video features and a stream structure analysis of MPEG-1/2/4 or AVC/H.264 Video Elementary Streams (VES), MPEG-1 System Streams (SS), MPEG-2 Program Streams (PS) and MPEG-2 Transport Streams (TS).

In Main Profile clip, you can see the P-slices (blue bars) and B-slices (green bars). Use the Streameye menus to examine frames, look at the distribution of macroblock types, motion vectors, etc.


  • Navigation and display of media stream picture-by-picture (I, P, B).
  • Display of the current frame.
  • Display of the time, type, size and number of a current frame in a stream, decoding order and offset from the file beginning.
  • Display of the bit rate (declared in the sequence header) and a calculated bit rate.
  • Display of a diagram representative average bit rate (moving average).
  • Display of bit rate lines.
  • Display of detailed information about macroblocks in MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 11172-2), MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-2), MPEG-4 (ISO/IEC 14496-2) and AVC/H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10) video streams.
  • Frame-accurate positioning.
  • Display of current frame and its properties: size, type, PTS.
  • Display of the stream and gathering of statistics relating to the entire file.
  • AVC/H.264 support.
  • MPEG-4 support.

Standard Features


StreamEye operates with MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVC/H.264 Video and mlmix (media index) files.

  • System Stream MPEG-1
  • Video Only MPEG-1/2
  • Program Stream MPEG-2
  • Transport Stream MPEG-2
  • AVC/H.264 Video stream
  • MP4 (Intermedia Fomat)
  • MPEG-4 Video stream
  • H.263 Video stream


available on : http://www.elecard.com

H.264 reference or recources form Apple


Apple explains about H.264 clearly on H.264 or on Quicktime, its product.

Also available for download : http://images.apple.com/quicktime/pdf/H264_Technology_Brief.pdf

and FAQs : http://www.apple.com/quicktime/technologies/h264/faq.html

H.264 Resources

Recources form Vcodex - Iain Richardson

you can download from http://www.vcodex.com/resources.html

Good reference for H.264


H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression

The world's first book to cover the H.264/AVC and MPEG-4 Visual standards in detail.

Iain E Richardson
John Wiley & Sons, September 2003

ISBN 0-470-84837-5


First Post on H.264

What’s H.264?…

This is what Wiki explains.

H.264 is a standard for video compression, and is equivalent to MPEG-4 Part 10, or MPEG-4 AVC (for Advanced Video Coding). As of 2008[update], it is the latest block-oriented motion-compensation-based codec standard developed by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) together with the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), and it was the product of a partnership effort known as the Joint Video Team (JVT). The ITU-T H.264 standard and the ISO/IEC MPEG-4 Part 10 standard (formally, ISO/IEC 14496-10) are jointly maintained so that they have identical technical content. The final drafting work on the first version of the standard was completed in May 2003.

It’s all about video coding or compression.

This is a h.264 video preview introduced by Apple.
